Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to school again

Tomorrow I will go to 'my' American school for the first time :) It's not my first school day, but I'm going to choose what subjects and activities I would like to attend as soon as school starts (September 7).
It's the Apollo High School here in Saint Cloud, Minnesota ^^

I'm pretty excited to find out, what kind of subjects I'll be able to chose. They will be a lot more and different than in Germany I think.

Since the name of my blog is 'Kathi's Music', I decided that I probably should upload parts that include music. So that's why the titles of my blog posts are names of songs. I also add a link to a video that has the song :)

1 comment:

Bohne said...

Again the first :)

I pretty much like the idea of naming each entry like a real song!

I hope you enjoy ur first day at apollo high and dont forget to pick drama :D

brudi ♥