Steph, the kids and I watched a video on youtube today and I just feel like I need to post something about it!
It's actually a very cool, but also weird, coincidence that that's the name of the song: 'Something to Say'.
When we went to church last Sunday, I kept thinking that everybody should come over to America on Sundays and go to church here :) It's just so different and a lot more interesting than the church I used to go to in Germany. In fact I was kind of surprised that I understand nearly everything and it just felt good, because I was a bit afraid that I'll just sit there without understanding anything (LOL).
So that was a very short post, but have a look (and listen!) at/to the video, add what it says here and there you have a looong blog post!
yeahhaa :D katha, I'm the first!!
bohne loosed ;D ( ich glaub mein englisch ist eine kathastrophe, aber du verstehst mich bestimmt trotzdem irgendwie)
now I "said something", und jetzt weiß ich grad auch nicht mehr was ich schreiben soll ;D
T.T ♥
What a wonderful song!
I´m so happy for you, that you could have this experience!
LG :)
I'm so thrilled that your first experience with our church was a positive one! I hope that continues to be the case throughout the year, and that you will learn more than you ever dreamed of when you made the decision to come to the U.S. on exchange! ")
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