Friday, October 22, 2010

Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf

I was just about to watch a movie on my laptop when Josh and Malachi came into my room. They both had a book in their hands and I asked them if I should read the stories. They said yes and both laid down next to me in my bed.
I think Malachi fell asleep after about 2 pages of the first book. After I read almost the whole second one I asked Josh if I should go on reading or if he just want to go to bed (he looked very tired and didn't hold the pages anymore) but he said keep on reading. After one page he was sleeping as well :)

I love that German lullaby a lot, here are the lyrics:

 1. Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!
 Der Vater hüt' die Schaf;
 Die Mutter schüttelt's Bäumelein,
 Da fällt herab ein Träumelein.
 Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!

 2. Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!
 Am Himmel ziehn die Schaf.
 Die Sternlein sind die Lämmerlein
 Der Mond, der ist das Schäferlein.
 Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!

 3. Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf,
 so schenk' ich dir ein Schaf.
 Mit einer gold'nen Schelle fein,
 das soll dein Spielgeselle sein.
 Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf.

 Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf!

And in English:

1. Sleep, baby, sleep!
Father guards the sheep,
Mother shakes the little tree,
Then a little dream falls down for thee,
Sleep, baby, sleep! 

2. Sleep, baby, sleep!
In the sky, draw the sheep.
The stars are the lambkins.
The moon, which is the sheepherder.
Sleep, baby, sleep!

3. Sleep, baby, sleep,
so I'll give you a sheep.
With a fine golden bell,
This shall be thy game journeyman.
Sleep, baby, sleep.
Sleep, baby, sleep!

I also loved to watch 'Das Sandmännchen' which is a German TV show for kids, unfortunately there is no video in English on Youtube :(

It was soo cute tonight ^^

Joshi and Chi laying in my bed :)