Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Hey Song

I watched my first hockey game yesterday :) 
It was Saint Cloud State University vs. Minnesota State University. I went there with Julia - she's an exchange student from Germany too - and her family. 
Julia plays basketball at her high school so they picked me up and I stayed at their house for a little while so that she could take a shower.

Whenever SCSU made a goal they played 'The Hey Song'. When we play for a game at school with Pep Band we sometimes play that during timeouts and it was so funny to hear 5000 people singing 'Hey' :)

The Husky goaltender

I saw some people that I know from SCSU (from our time at TCX) when we came in and when we sat down I zoomed over to the other half of the arena:

Josh and Kari (3rd row from the bottom 2nd + 3rd from left)
It was so much fun. I usually don't like watching sports but I think I could definitely go to a hockey game again :)