Friday, March 4, 2011


Last Saturday we had a Spa Night with our Youth Group Senior High Girls at Jodi's Loft. It was so much fun and super relaxing! We all wore PJ's and brought a pillow to make everything comfortable. Grace straightened my hair and that was when I finally decided to get my hair cut again :) It just looked way to long and my last hair cut was in July '10 so I thought my hair would probably split pretty soon - I was surprised that I didn't find any split ends so far.

Anyways I asked Jodi if she would have time to cut my hair this week and she said that I should text/call her and she would figure something out.
So then yesterday after school Sally and I met in the Band Room after school where we waited a little and then about half an our later we drove to Charisma (the name of Jodi's Loft - see website linked above).
My appointment was at 4pm and I basically didn't have to wait at all :)
As always I didn't really know how much shorter I wanted it to be - I usually think "Oh just a little this time so that it will grow!", but then I always end up cutting it short :D
I think I really do want to have long hair again (it hasn't been longer than shoulder-length since 3rd grade...) but I just don't want to wait for it to grow -.-

Jodi did a great, great, great job. I don't regret getting it cut at all even though it's probably shorter than ever before! I like it a lot - and I have my curls back that I stole from my Daddy when I was born!

The quality of these pictures is pretty bad, I know! I took a couple with my Nikon camera, but it didn't work out at all! I recently struggle a little with finding the right mode to take pictures with so the colors aren't right at all. So I took these with my Laptop-Webcam, which was also easier to hold :) But my glasses reflected from the light so that's why the first two are without glasses...

After I got my hair cut, Sally and I picked Tony up. He goes to Apollo too and is an exchange student from Japan. It's always very funny with both of them because Sally is half Japanese so they usually speak Japanese and because I'm teaching her German since we first met we usually speak English and whenever she can say something in German (e.g.: "Wie geht es dir?"- "How are you?") then she will always say it in German :)  The three of us went to an Indian restaurant and we then drove to Apollo to play our last Pep Band for the Boys Basketball game: Apollo vs. Tech
We won and that was pretty cool because we're basically rivals so it's kind of a big deal to beat them :D For me it was just funny to watch all the fans cheering for their team... I'm not really into sports ;P

On the way home we had to pass the MAC and because there was something going on too (probably hockey game) a police officer controlled the traffic so that the people from the Mac could leave the parking lot. It took forever to go home - about 20 minutes instead of 5 - and Sally didn't really like that. So I bought her German chocolate that my family send me with my Christmas Packet (can't believer there was still something left :P), wrote "Thanks for driving me home!" on there and put it in her band locker where she keeps her trumpet. She was pretty happy :)

In school I had my last Math test, a Reader's Theater performance for Acting class and the US History Vocab Final today. Now I have Spring Break and I will get new classes: American Dream (LA) and Digital Photo on Monday, March 14th :)

By the way Mom, the packets arrived today... that was super fast this time!


Anonymous said...

Deine neue Frisur gefällt mir sehr gut! <3

Deine Kimi

Kathi´s Mom said...

Yes, it´s a very "BEAUTIFUL" haircut!
I like it!

Love you!!!

br♥di said...

hmmm... meanwhile my hair is as long as yours, but definately not as pretty as yours :D

What am I doing wrong =O ?? :D
